
Product Attribute Name formatting

There are 2 types of attributes:
  • Simple attribute that is represented as regular dropdown list. In this case Attribute name is a label that we see next to that drropdown or next to attribute value.
  • Complex attribute - Attribute that is represented with a specific control.

In case of complex attribute the attribute name should be formatted in specific way:
{<attribute type>:<folder name>:<text label>}
<attribute type> - means what kind of control would be used to represent this attribute. It can be one of follwoing values:
<folder name> - it is a folder name in /images/attributes/ folder where we host all icons used to represent corresponding attribute values
<text label> - attribute description that we see in the title for corresponding attribute.

So for example, {SIMPLERADIO:LAMPTYPE:Lamp Type} means that attribute "Lamp Type" would be represented with regular radiobox controls (SIMPLERADIO) and finally would look like shown on image below.
In this sample <folder name> (LAMPTYPE) is not used and was specified just for better understanding.

Anothe sample {Image:Justice_Finish:Finish}. Attribute "Finish" would be represented as a set of images (Image) that are stored in /images/attributes/Justice_Finish/ folder (Justice_Finish)

{RadioPrice:Fresca_Faucet:Faucet} Attribute "Faucet" would be represented as radioboxes and when option is selected - corresponding icon is displayed. Also next to each option there is shown the price difference with currently selected option (RadioPrice). Images are stored in /images/attributes/Fresca_Faucet/ folder (Fresca_Faucet)

{Button:finish:Finish}Attribute "Finish" would be represented as a set of buttons (Button). In this sample <folder name> (finish) is not used and was specified just for better understanding.

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