Drill down cat/subcategories
How to configure categories drilldown – I can show you on example of “Wiring Devices & Plates” category on QA server

So to configure each of them that we should do following.
- We need to add block with subcategories
- We have to disable a list of products to be shown
- We have to customize filters at left

So to configure each of them that we should do following.
- To show list of subcategories
- Go to Admin>Products>Categories and open category to edit
- Switch to “Landing Page” tab
- In sectian named “HEADER” click “Generate Content” button and we will see following text in html-editor below
- Save this changes
- As result block #1 will appear on category that you edit
- To disable a list of products on Category page
- Go to Admin>Products>Categories and open category to edit
- Switch to “Category Information” tab
- Find “Display products list” checkbox and uncheck it
- Save this changes
- As result a list of products in block #2 will disappear on category that you edit
- To manage filter at left
- Go to Admin>Products>Categories and open category to edit
- Switch to “Facets Management” tab
- Customize a list of facets that you would like to be shown at left for correspononding page
- Save this changes
- As result a list of filters available at left in block #3 will corrspond to facets you configured